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Māori Tattoo and Designs


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Patterns of Nature

The ancient Māori designer has always been fascinated with abstract form. Through observing nature in her natural state they could observe that everything moved in a certain rhythmic and cyclic pattern. These patterns were interpreted as kowhaiwhai or Māori scroll patterns. They were used in whakairo - Māori carving, as well as Tā Moko .

For thousands of years Māori artists have painted, shaped and carved patterns into a rich assortment of artworks of all shapes and sizes. With the introduction of European tools and technology, Māori carvers over a period of time did away with the old traditional green stone carving tools and traded them for the steel chisels. This would revolutionise Māori carving to what it is today.

With the coming of the digital and information age designers are utilising the latest in computer and design software to create contemporary designs used as a tattoo or on just about anything such as garments, clothing and textiles including print to embellish and give beauty to form.


Māori Tattoo and Designs

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Māori Tattoo and Designs

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