

Welcome to the members section of Every effort is made to ensure the information in this site is updated and that the information is correct at the time of publication. If there are problems regarding the content on this website please let us know as soon as possible so that we are able to fix it.

Membership Area

You can end your membership anytime by selecting the opt out button on our Maori arts news letter. You will no longer receive any correspondence from us and your details will be taken off our database.

Your Contact Details understands how important your contact details are. As a member your contact details will remain protected and not given away or sold to third parties and spammers.

Our Contact Details

To make sure the communication process runs as smooth as possible, we have divided the contacts into three sections. For those wanting a general enquiry; select the general enquiry button. For those wanting a design or artwork; select the design button. Members of Maori also have their own contact button. All enquiries are logged into a database and are listed accordingly to allow us to process each message with ease.

How Do I log into the Members Area?

Located on every page is the top menu. Simply select the login text link where you will be taken to a login page. Type in your special identification number and password and hey presto! You are inside. You will know straight away when you are in the members area because the look of the whole site will change.

Log Out

If you want to go back to the directory section simply select the Maori logo and you will be outside the members area but still inside the website. You will need to login again if you want to go back to the members section.













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