Māori Digital Art































Finally, there is no doubt Māori digital art and graphic design has its roots imbedded solidly in Māori arts. Knowledge in this field gives a designer access to a rich source of elements, icons and symbols to draw from. Whether we like it or not the digital age is here to stay. We can ether embrace it or reject it. It has certainly revolutionised the way I do art and continues to create new challenges.

The use of Māori digital imagery on a national and international scale is the most powerful source of visual communication available to us right now. The digital age has enabled us the power to send electronic messages and images to the homes of thousands of people in an instant. One thing for sure as a result of this technology more people are being exposed to Māori iconography every day through internet, television and on print. Māori graphic design and digital art the quiet revolutionalist stands on its own merits and is unique to Aotearoa, New Zealand .


Tiki O'Brien