Māori Digital Art





























Mauri Ora / Life Force

The following design represents Mauri Ora or Life Force. It is also the breath of life and creation. Although stylised It has its influences in a certain carving called the Pare.

This piece of carved artwork is called a pare . Pare sit above the doorways of meeting houses. Most pare represent an ancestor. The doorway was the symbol of entering into another world. This example was made in around 1860. It is 37 cm high and 79cm wide.

He Kākano / Seed

He kākano i ruia mai no Rangi Atea. The seed represents the origin of all life. The origin of humanity as a part of nature and the universe as one single unit.

He Ika / Fish


Tangaroa is the Māori god of the ocean and is to be respected by those who venture out into the sea. His children are all of the oceans inhabitants. The above designs have been stylised using kowhaiwhai designs.