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This section contains relevant information that is widely excepted  about the coming of Māori to Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Artistic Land Scape By Peter Simpson
This is information about the artistic landscape of new Zealand, the history and influences of Māori Art available in a download PDF format. DOWNLOAD

Kupe was a great chief of Hawaiki (Tahiti), whose father was from Rarotonga, and whose mother was from Rangiatea (Ra'iatea), where her father lived. These were the three islands over which Kupe's mana(power)extended.http://www.pvs-hawaii.com/stories/kupe.htm                                                                                                                                                  The Maori of New Zealand
The Māori are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Māori is the language of the indigenous people of New Zealand. The word Māori means normal or ordinary person in the Māori language, and in some other Polynesian languages. The word Māori is also applied to the people and language of the Cook Islands which are both referred to as Cook Islands Māori. http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maori

New Zealand
New Zealand is home to the Tangata Whenua (people of the land), the Māori. It is believed that the Polynesian navigator, Kupe was the first man to sight New Zealand around 950AD and then returned home to tell of his findings. Around 1350AD seven great migratory canoes (whaka) sailed from Hawaiki to New Zealand http://www.new-zealand.com/nzguide/culture.html

Godwana 80 million years ago
New Zealand's colourful history commences from the time when the Rangitata Land mass separates from the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana 80 million years ago, evolving to become modern New Zealand.

Hawaiki, the legendary homeland of the Māori peoples of Aotearoa/New Zealand, from whence we migrated to this land about 1000 years ago. Where is Hawaiki? Many have speculated that it lies somewhere in the Pacific, somewhere in Polynesia.http://maaori.com/people/maoriara.htm