Māori Digital Art




























The Māori Tattoo



The Māori tattoo is known as kirituhi and is available in a wide range of designs shapes colours and forms. While they have many meanings personal to the wearer they all share a common relationship with traditional kowhaiwhai. Up to now very few Māori designs were figurative except for the traditional carving designs adapted to tattoo.

The following images represent contemporary figurative Māori design with some western motifs used as Māori tattoos and or art work. Kowhaiwhai is still the main element and is what gives these design their distinctive Māori look.

These designs were hand drawn from images and stylised using traditional kowhaiwhai. They were then scanned into the computer where the lines were turned into line art then coloured. Understanding the use of negative and positive space in an important factor when attempting to use kowhaiwhai on figurative forms.

As you can see in these designs the kowhaiwhai patterns are not added haphazardly, they flow with the shape of the image and are carefully balanced out by each other in relationship with positive and negative space.