Māori Digital Art





























He Tohu / Logo Design

The logo design and its uses is not new to ancient Māori. They wore their logo or trademark on their skin indicating their status, rank, skills and abilities. Surprisingly, logo design can be one of the most demanding in the creative department but tends to be undervalued by the general public mainly because most people are not aware of what is involved in creating what looks like a simple design that anyone can draw once it is completed.

A logo means everything to an organisation. It is their brand, their identity and what makes them stand out in a crowd. It is the image of their mission statement and their philosophy. When it is seen on a product it is an indication that this mark belongs or is associated to them, and all that they represent. When creating a logo an amateur designer often finds themselves having to weave in and out of vast amounts of information before they can narrow it down to its basic constituents.

A professional with experience will identify what the elements are straight away because of their ability to identify the goals and objectives of the client. When establishing the needs of the client ninety percent is based on communication while the design aspect is about ten percent.