Māori Digital Art






























Māori design involves the basic understanding of a simple element used in all forms of Māori arts. This element is known as the koru or pitau. The koru is used extensively in Tā Moko but more so in the ancient art of Māori known as Kowhaiwhai Pronounced ( core-fai-fai ) The esoteric meaning is ( the cyclic rhythm and patterns of nature ).

Understanding kowhaiwhai is an essential ingredient to Māori design. Remnants of old kowhaiwhai designs can still be found on certain carved panels, hue gourds, carvings, and waka paddles some of which were collected when Captain James Cook visited New Zealand from 1769. During training I was would told they were used as a visual reference to recite knowledge and genealogy through the number of pitau, koru and curls telling ancient stories as far back as the beginning of creation.

My findings also indicate the koru shape is not exclusive to Māori but has been used by other ancient cultures which suggests it is a very old.


The koru or pitau is the most basic design element of kowhaiwhai. These curving stalks with bulbs at one end bear a striking likeness to the young succulent shoot of a native fern