Māori Digital Art






























Welcome to the Māori Digital Art. The decision to create this site came about because of the increased demand for people wanting to know more about Māori design, particularly Māori graphics. With the growing popularity of Tā Moko and Māori tattoo designs, tourism and the emergence of Māori cultural iconography, Māori design is becoming more popular.

Twenty years ago the scene was very different from today. There were not as many Maori digital artists or graphic designers as there are now and certainly few who specialised within the field of Māori design. Compared to traditional Māori arts, Māori graphic design and communication was never perceived as anything to be interested in and was certainly not acknowledged within the arts forum.

Today, it could be said to be the most widely used media out of all the Māori arts because of its many applications in print, television and multimedia as a result of the digital age. Although it may be scorned upon by some traditionalists there are some who have seen the potential of what technology can do for their art. I am one of them and I would like to share with you an insight into a small part of my world.


Tiki O'Brien